Dampers Complete


Damper work takes more technical skill than almost anything else in piano servicing. By learning Jim’s damper method in this ebook, in a short time, you can develop the skills needed to overcome your fear of damper work. Don’t let this part of piano work be something that you try to avoid at all costs!



The damper system in a piano is just as important as any other component, yet few technicians are skilled at installing, regulating, and troubleshooting dampers. Without dampers, there would be a cacophony of sound and most piano music would be impossible to enjoy. Even one leaky (ringing) damper is annoying to both performer and listener.

Damper regulation is arguably one of the most difficult skills to master, and in many piano factories, the top damper workers are among the highest-paid employees. A Steinway damper man once told me that it takes about three years, working eight hours a day, to become proficient at damper work. While you may not aspire to install several sets of dampers per day as some of them do, you should be able to do a set in a few hours.

In spite of being challenging, and sometimes even frustrating, damper work has become one of my favorite things to do. In Dampers Complete I will teach you many of the techniques and tricks I’ve learned over the years. As in my other eBooks, I’ll write out the procedures for those who prefer things spelled out, and I’ll add videos to balance out the instruction. Bounce back and forth from text to video as needed to gain a complete understanding of the concepts. This is the advantage of the eBook format. As always, please email me if something is unclear, or if you think I’ve left something out, and I will try to update it. Updates, of course, are free.


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