Bench and Music Desk Repair
It’s more than you thinkOffer extra value to your clients, or find hidden income by learning to service, repair, and refurbish piano benches and music desks quickly and reliably. Developing skill in this area isn’t rocket science, but Jim shows you some tricks that will help you do it in a fraction of the time and avoid that unwanted “call-back”.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 - Regular Bench Maintenance
- A: “An ounce of prevention”: Teaching the client basic care
- B: How to properly tighten and check all screws and bolts
- C: Lid props and chains
- D: Floor protectors
Chapter 2 - Common Bench Problems and Repairs
- A: Broken brackets: Replacing v.s. repairing
- B: Broken Lid props
- C: Loose legs: A better way to secure them
- D: Loose hinge repair: The proper way to repair screw holes
- E: The complete bench overhaul
Chapter 3 - Repairing and replacement costs
- A: When to repair and when to replace
- B: Building a better bench
- C: Metal institutional benches
- D: Refinish it yourself?
Chapter 4 - Adjustable benches
- A: Common repairs and maintenance
- B: Janssen repair “kits”
- C: New upholstery
Chapter 5 - Music desk repairs
- A: Repairing broken pivot screw holes
- B: Installing new, reinforced corner brackets
- C: Ordering new music desks
Chapter 6 - Additional income from bench repair and sales
- A: “Cost plus” businesses
- B: The complete overhaul, revisited